Teebar im Gesundheitshotel Larimar

Fixing the gut health after antibiotics and other medication

Restore the gut health after medication with F.X. Mayr

Veröffentlicht: 9. May 2023

The intestine is the center of the human immune system and determines general well-being.

If the sensitive intestinal health is brought out of balance by medication or other factors, this quickly becomes noticeable: Digestive problems, malaise, a weakened immune system or deficiency symptoms are common. It is therefore a top priority to restore the gut flora after drug treatment. After all, once you have overcome an illness, you finally want to feel completely fit and healthy again.

F.X. Mayr is a successful way to obtain this holistic well-being. This “intestinal rehabilitation” supports detoxification and regenerates the intestines as gently as possible with healthy gut bacteria. The Hotel Larimar offers professionally guided F.X. Mayr cures in Austria. Individually tailored to the guests’ needs, they are accompanied by doctors and experts on the way to gut health and new vitality during their health retreat in the Burgenland.

Gesundheit für den Körper im Gesundheitshotel Larimar
Frisch gepresste Säfte im Larimar

How medication can affect intestinal health

Antibiotics and other medications can be true lifesavers. Thoughtful drug treatment is often important for a full recovery. However, drugs do not always target only the attacking viruses and bacteria. Often, useful and beneficial microorganisms are also attacked, since antibiotics and other drugs cannot distinguish between “good” and “bad” bacteria.

Billions of such “good” bacteria live in the human intestine: about 1.3 times more than the number of cells in the human body. They help to digest food and absorb important nutrients efficiently to stay healthy.


However, when they are attacked by certain drugs or prevented from growing, intestinal health can be damaged. Antibiotics often cause diarrhea or other digestive problems. The following groups of pharmaceuticals can influence the human body in a negative way:

  • antibiotics
  • acid blockers
  • non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs
  • antipsychotics
  • cancer drugs

Fortunately, the gut has regenerative abilities and with the right countermeasures, intestinal health can be restored. At the Hotel Larimar in the Burgenland, guests are supported in this process through medical consultation, conscious nutrition and targeted cures.

Fixing the gut health with F.X. Mayr

Strengthening the intestinal health has a positive effect on the entire physical condition, as the immune system can regain new strength and nutrients can be ideally absorbed again. Since the early 20th century, the F.X. Mayr cure has been a popular method for restoring gut health and developing healthy living and eating habits. The cure is based on four basic principles:

Rest: The intestines are relieved through sparing diets and therapeutic fasting.
Cleansing: The intestines are cleansed through water, teas, laxative Epsom salts and massage treatments of the abdomen.
Training: Healthy eating habits are established, such as eating at certain times every day and chewing each bite extensively.
Substitution: Through conscious nutrition, the body is supplied with important vital substances and nutrients.

Proper nutrition thus plays a central role in restoring gut health after taking antibiotics and other medications. The vital cuisine at the Hotel Larimar is perfectly adapted to the individual needs of each guest – always in accordance with medical recommendations. With carefully prepared dishes with regional products, culinary enjoyment and healthy nutrition come together on every plate during a wellness vacation in the Burgenland, Austria.

Heilfasten in Stegersbach im Hotel Larimar
Gesunde Küche im Larimar

Unique combination of F.X. Mayr with Ayurveda

The F.X. Mayr method is one of the most popular detox cures at the Hotel Larimar in Austria. As a relaxing supplement, guests enjoy massages and beneficial treatments in the Larimar Premium Spa in Stegersbach, as well as exclusive wellness enjoyments.

The Hotel Larimar also offers the F.X. Mayr cure in combination with Ayurveda – a combination that is unique in Europe. Guests can experience beneficial Ayurveda treatments in the middle of Austria, with Indian top specialists taking care of the well-being from the “outside” with targeted Ayurvedic massages and treatments, while F.X. Mayr helps to restore intestinal health from the “inside”.

We look forward to your non-binding inquiry and will be happy to accompany you on your way to a new sense of life.

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Bauchmassage bei Ayurveda mit F.X. Mayr

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