Heilfasten in Stegersbach im Hotel Larimar

Intermittent fasting 16/8

Intermittent fasting ist the fountain of youth for the cells. The rhythm of food intake (8 hours) and fasting (16 hours) activates the metabolism and causes a lot of biochemical changes in the body, which have a positive effect on your health and well-being. 

It is easy to implement in your daily life without the hassle of counting calories. Because of the shortened food intake (8 hours) you will eat more conscious and less and while during fasting (16 hours) the stomach remains inactive and the body can devote itself to cell cleaning. 

  • 7 nights with the Larimar Inclusive Services with an alkaline breakfast, lunch and special soup in the evening
  • 1 medical examination 
  • 1 abdominal massage 25 minutes
  • 1 foot reflexology 25 minutes
  • 1 Ayurveda Abhyanga (whole body oil massage) 50 minutes
  • Epsom salt
  • Thermal and brine baths, saunas and swimming
  • daily Hatha-Yoga with the indian yogi
  • Sensintive and intensvie fasting accompaniment by Mag. Tabitha Gütler
  • Nutrition training
  • Relaxation in our crystal-energy-room
  • Daily impulses for a healthy lifestyle
  • Daily nordic walking 

Included services

  • Larimar pampering board : generous vitality breakfast buffet, vitality brunch at lunchtime, sweet afternoon with cake at the hotel bar or in the foyer and 6-course gourmet evening menu
  • 6,500 m² Larimar-Therme , sauna world and panoramic area with 8 pools, 7 saunas and 8 relaxation areas
  • 1 glas Larimar sparkling wine
  • Larimar bath bag with bathrobe, bath towel and sauna towel for the duration of your stay
  • Wellness and active program from the weekly plan

Additional services

Interest aroused?

Travel periods

‟ available again soon ‟

Duration of stay

at least 7 Nights

Indicated prices in EUR per person and stay.
Extra charge depending on room category. Including VAT, plus local tax.

Desire for more?

Suprise your loved one with special Larimar extras in your room,
the Larimar Team will be happy to help you.



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